[204015-109] 建築學報#109增刊 (高齡、無障礙與通用設計專刊) JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURE   

● 住宅之無障礙法令演變歷程及設計規範內容比較:以美國公平住宅可及性準則與臺灣無障礙住宅設計基準為例 (Comparison of the Evolution Process and Design Specifications of Housing Accessibility Acts: Fair Housing Accessibility Guidelines of USA and Design Specifications of Accessible Housing of ROC)

● 失智症日照中心環境品質評量指標探討 (Assessment Indicators of Environmental Quality for Dementia Day Care Center)

● 以通用設計觀點探討老人中心設計--以台北市為例 (Exploring the Design of the Senior Center from the Perspective of Universal Design—Taking Taipei City as an Example)

● 住宿式長照服務機構的等待救援空間之設計原則 (Design Principles for Rescue Waiting Spaces of Residential Long-term Care Institutions)

● 邁向超高齡社會的安老照顧環境規劃--以環境賦能為目標 (Older Adults’ Care Environmental Planning for Super-aged Society – Realization of the Goal of Environmental Empowerment)
原價 : $ 300
特惠價 : $ 150
ISBN : 1016-3212 編作譯者 : 臺灣建築學會、內政部建築研究所
規格 : 平裝/單色/82頁 出版日期 : 2019.09